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July 31, 2017

Embracing Change

Futuramic Tool and Engineering – Embracing Change Article From The Deep Space Coalition website Originally Posted: July 31, 2017 The world is always changing. Many people say that the world is getting smaller every day, but not at Futuramic Tool and Engineering (FTE), or any of the other companies who...
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Featured image for “Connecting the Core”
May 28, 2017

Connecting the Core

Major assembly is almost complete on the core stage intertank for the first launch of SLS. This robust structure will connect two massive fuel tanks that form the bulk of the stage. The intertank to be flown on the first integrated flight of the Space Launch System and Orion is...
Featured image for “NASA Pegasus Barge Shipment”
May 26, 2017

NASA Pegasus Barge Shipment

For the past 6+ years Futuramic Tool and Engineering has been proud to be a Boeing partner in the construction of the Space Launch System (SLS) the most powerful rocket ever built. Futuramic has delivered eight major tools and numerous smaller tools. In addition Futuramic has manufactured some of the...
Featured image for “Space Launch System: Tooling Up to Build the World’s Largest Rocket”
September 13, 2013

Space Launch System: Tooling Up to Build the World’s Largest Rocket

NASA Spaceflight Partner Futuramic Tool and Engineering Co. was commissioned by Boeing to design and build tooling for friction stir welding to assist in the construction of the Space Launch System core stage at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans. Article From spacefellowship.com Originally Posted: June 21, 2013 A...
May 3, 2013

NASA SLS Core Stage Progress – Execs Checks Work on Next Generation Spaceships at Michoud

In February 2012, Space Launch System Program Manager Todd May shares SLS progress on the core stage with NASA Deputy Associate Administrator Lori Garver during her visit to NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans. The Boeing Company of Huntsville, Ala., is developing the core stage for SLS. NASA Spaceflight...
Featured image for “Lockheed exec’s plane-spoken message: F-35 economic impact is big and could soar”
June 22, 2012

Lockheed exec’s plane-spoken message: F-35 economic impact is big and could soar

The most expensive acquisition program under way at the U.S. Department of Defense directly benefits 18 suppliers in metro Detroit and 27 across Michigan, with an annual economic impact of nearly $200 million, its prime contractor reported today at an event in Warren. Steve Callaghan, director of the Washington operations of the...